Thursday, May 31, 2007


Anchovies, ANchovies, Anchovies!!! We have Anchovies.

The Humbolt squid have not deterred the anchovie fishing.

The Receiver is stocked up for the weekend and has multiple full wells of anchovies and a couple wells of Sardines right now.

But do they Stop- Not the CARNAGE FLEET!

GPaul has been at Catalina since lastnight catching squid and holding a place for PROVIDER to get squid tonight. If the little buggers show back up tonight, Provider and Team Carnage will be there to snatch 'em up. Paul did get squid lastnight and the weekend is looking promising.

OUR WEBSITE IS UP!!! (just a shell, but it will get better) Check it out!!!

For all you New Comers to our site... Here's the scoop...

Call Martin on the receiver (562) 455 -9928 for current availablity updates

Call Paul on the Long Beach Carnage (562) 714- 8103 he will be EAST of AVALON Both are on channel 11.... As a few found out last weekend- Squid goes fast, take no chances. Give them a shout!!!!

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