Friday, May 25, 2007


The first two days of business have been successful!!

PROVIDER brought back squid from the island and barely got it on the receiver before it was being sold. In store for tonight... more squid, and the ever elusive anchovie. I hear there is a line on their hiding spot and the intention is to fill up tonight!

GPaul has been the SQUID master this week. Full load everynight- but damn he is selling out fast. Try to catch him early Channel 11 or 562. 714. 8103.

Check out Allcoast private boated forum- Roger (scubapro5) caught 5 yellows with squid from Long Beach Carnage at Catalina... His pictures rock!

Check Martin out on the receiver 562. 455. 9928 for updated bait info!!!! Channel 11

Good luck this weekend!

~The wells are nectar for curing bait out. The large sardines loved it until they landed on your hook.

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